's blog


Plans for 2024

#Update #Personal #Mathematical Base Defenders #mistertfy64's Website

Since 2023 is coming to an end, I am doing what people are doing: setting New Year's resolutions. There will probably be more aside from this, but I don't really know what else to set more. I'm also writing to my blog so that this doesn't feel empty again.

By the way, I have decided that my blog posts will be under the CC BY 4.0 license, so you are free to share/distribute/adapt my blog posts, as long as you give me credit by (e.g.) providing a link back to the respective blog post's URL, or by mentioning my name.


Right now, I am in high school, so my #1 priority (just like most high-schoolers) would probably to get in a good university. I've taken the Digital SAT (Aug. 2023, 1460) and IELTS (Dec. 2023, 7.5, Academic on computer), and I'm quite satisified with my scores. I do not plan on retaking the Digital SAT or IELTS again because I already retook those once, but since my (or the objective) #1 university (in Thailand) also wants to see a science aptitude test score, I might need to study for that as well. I've never really studied for any school test for the past 1.5 years, but still managed to pass (that is, 50% or above) over 80% of the time if I remember correctly.

If you've been OSINT'ing be on my Facebook/Instagram account or on my certificate display, you might also notice that I passed the สอวน. (POSN) Training Camp 1 (Computer) selection test and passed another selection test while in said camp for eligibility to enter Training Camp 2, which I will be attending in March 2024. I really hope that I can somehow get a spot in the Thailand Olympiad in Informatics (TOI), so I'm mainly studying computer science algorithms right now. A reason why I'm trying really hard to get a spot (or even better, a medal) in the TOI is that I can use that instead of my test scores to apply to university, and another reason why I'm trying is that I get to brag to my friends about how smart I am.

(Explanatory Note: If you don't know what the TOI is, it is basically the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), but on the national level, so the TOI isn't that prestigious as the IOI, but most Thai universities only need a TOI medal (or a medal in another subject's Thai national olympiad, or for some universities, diploma from Training Camp 2) for higher/guaranteed chances of acceptance in TCAS's Round 1.)

Social Media

I do not frequently post stuff on social media, and that includes not posting stuff that promotes/tries to get more players into Mathematical Base Defenders. I want to change, so that I can be described as "more expressive" and "less-introverted" person in real life, and maybe to get more followers like my friends who post everything they do on their Instagram stories (no offense to them).


I switched back to using GNU/Linux. I would also like to contribute to open-source software, but the #1 reason I'm scared to do so is that it might backfire(???), and the #1 reason I can't do it is that I do not think I have anything useful to add to existing FLOSS. I would also like that mindset to change, but I have great difficulties trying to express myself (because I might be an introvert or something). Additionally, I would also like to talk about my plans for my projects:

Mathematical Base Defenders

I plan to really put in the effort to market/advertise Mathematical Base Defenders in 2024, so it can get more players, and maybe use the fact that I am a powerful person in Mathematical Base Defenders for my university application(???). On a side note, if you want to play Mathematical Base Defenders, click here. I am also waiting for feedback from potential users/testers, so that I can improve from it.


As for my personal website, I don't need to add anything on the apex domain itself (since it's just a project listing page), but I might add some new subdomains on my domain in 2024 to spice up my website. I would also like to improve the "stability" of my domains, as well as adding new features to existing domains.

These are some of my New Year resolutions for 2024. Share this blog post with other people so more people can laugh at me if I fail my New Year resolutions, and thank you for taking the time for reading!

Are you expecting a review on the สอวน. training camp that I promised over a month ago? Well, I don't really have any in-depth review of it, since it's a come-and-go-home camp (not an overnight camp). So here is a very short summary of it: Learn, eat, learn more eat, learn more, go home. Except for the middle and the end of the camp, where the teachers gave me the Training Camp 2 selection test. (สอวน. Training Camp 2 for Computer will probably be an overnight camp, as shown by social media posts from previous years.) But at least there's a better chance of an actual review (i.e., a dedicated blog post) for Training Camp 2 because of the more advanced material, and also the fact that it's an overnight camp. So if you want a review, you might have to wait until Camp 2 starts. Sorry...

August 2023 Status Update

#Update #Personal #Mathematical Base Defenders

This blog was written on Aug. 19, 2023, however, the date that this blog post was made is Aug. 20, 2023 at around midnight, according to my timezone.

To be honest, I wrote this status update so that my blog doesn't look empty and to prove that I'm still alive and well.

Hello, everyone!

I am quite sure that if you know me, you probably wondered what happened to my coding activity.

Don't worry, I'm not stopping anytime soon. I'm just taking a "break".

So what have I been up to?

As of now, I'm feeling quite stressed, but also excited at the same time, probably due to my "exam weekend" next week. (Aug. 26, 2023 to Aug. 27, 2023). I am spending that time reviewing material for the exams, while also slacking off when wanting to study.

"Exam Weekend"?

Yup, you heard that correctly! Next week, I will be taking two exams on the weekend! One that I'm not particularly worried about, but the other I'm super worried about.

I will be (re-)taking the (Digital) SAT on August 26, 2023. Although I already got a decent (according to my standards) score of 1420 (660 Reading & Writing, 760 Math), I kinda want to retake it due to my #1 university only looking at the Math section[1], and also in the case I don't get accepted I can find a different university.

I will also be taking Thailand's POSN selection camp test for the third time on August 27, 2023. This one is the one I'm worried about. I've already went to a seminar today that gave me tips on how to score higher, but I'm still scared from test anxiety and other stuff like not knowing/forgetting when I'm actually in the exam next week. To be fair, my score did increase in the last 2 attempts, on both subjects[2] from being average to getting above ONE standard deviation from average for both the Math and Computer exam, but sadly that isn't enough to "pass"[3].

Mathematical Base Defenders

It is still alive. I missed the (in my opinion) most important part of making a game: actually getting players. After the exams, I will try to get more players, by either promoting it more or telling more of my friends about it. That also explains the empty commit history for both the game subdomain and the accompanying website: No feedback. I just don't know what to improve (but I am still working on other features that, in the future, may be suggested).

Back to Coding Time

I would probably be actively coding for 6 hours during the school break, which is usually around September for Thai schools.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope to see you someday in Mathematical Base Defenders again.


[1] The (Digital) SAT's Math section, in my opinion, is very easy for me and probably other Thai students. Because of that, top universites want to see the best, or perfect scores on an easy test. Because the easier a test is, the higher the mean score would be. However, I tend to make some careless mistakes on easy tests.

[2] Math: 10% (-1stddev) to 21% (+1stddev), Computer: 52% (around average) to 57% (+1stddev due to average going down?). First listed is Feb. 2022's exam. Second listed is Aug. 2022's exam.

[3] Unlike the SAT, there is a "what happens after" for the POSN selection camp, as in if you score high enough (according to rank), you can go into the camp.

Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal Update Introduction Post

#Mathematical Base Defenders #Update #Progress Report

It's finally here! 16 days ago, I released the first test-build for Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal. Now, the website portion is complete (I didn't test it throughly), and I am ready to "confidently" say that Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal is finally in public testing!

What's changed?

On 2023-01-20, I finally realized that the game isn't that playable due to there being tiles, or limited resources [1]. I tried playing it, and it has caused problems even to me (the creator). I finally realized I did something wrong, and I wanted to redeem myself.

So instead of making math equations, you now solve them! This means there will be no more tiles. Instead, you are free to type anything you want!

Having limited resources when you want/should have/need unlimited could also be breaking the flow, making the game unenjoyable. There will be no more resources, instead, you just have to solve math equations as fast as possible! This is easier to get in the flow on.

What else?

  • I've rewritten the code in TypeScript, hopefully improving system stability.
  • Better support for touchscreen devices. No more squinting to click that 20-pixel wide tile! Instead, there's an on-screen "keyboard" for you to type your answers in. I've also made it so you can quit a game on a mobile device without a keyboard.

For the 20 registered players (as of writing this), don't worry, your experience points (and level), game rank, and join date will not be reset. However, your scores will be reset sometime later, making the leaderboard clean and 100% filled with new-style submissions.

Where can I see updates?

Since Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source, you can visit the GitHub organization to view "raw" source-code upates! You can also find the game's social media accounts at the footer of the non-play subdomain.


I would like to thank the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand for hosting the annual National Software Contest! Without it, Mathematical Base Defenders probably wouldn't have been thought of back in 2020. Thank you for funding making Mathematical Base Defense (and then Mathematical Base Defenders) exist, and funding it with 5 figures (THB12,000 to be exact)!

While on the topic of National Software Contest, I would also like to thank KG07, Muq1937 and my project advisor for helping me with Mathematical Base Defense during the competition! (The original version of Mathematical Base Defense was made for NSTDA's National Software Contest, the persons listed here were in OG Mathematical Base Defense's development.)

Thank you for reading, have a nice day, and I'll see you in the game!

Note: Multiplayer will be released later.

And while you're here...

I kinda need help for something. I can't seem to find the perfect enemy speed. Can you help me? I might give you a reward.

Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal Update 2023-02-23 Progress Report

#Update #Progress Report #Mathematical Base Defenders

Finally! Another progress report! This one is about the new Mathematical Base Defenders update, titled "The Reversal Update".

Since my final exams are over, this means that I will have a lot more time to work on the project!

Don't forget: Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source, so you can see what I've been working on to see if I actually worked on something. The project is currently being worked on at the reversal branch.

Gameplay Change

The original Mathematical Base Defenders (and Mathematical Base Defense) had a very complicated gameplay flow (in my opinion, as explained here), so I've decided change how the game is played, from making equations with limited numbers (which was inspired from math games/activites like the "24 Puzzle" and IQ 180) to just solving equations as fast as you can like a number-cruncher game because in my opinion, it's a true test of mental math speed.

I also believe the new gameplay would be much simpler and hopefully self-explanatory, as well as allowing for easier keyboard input (the original versions required users to remember which key corresponds to which tiles, and then it becomes a problem when there is no more of that tile you need for the expression, breaking "the flow" of speed).

This is what the new gameplay looks like. You can now just type in numbers that are the answers to math problems that you see, making it easier to get in the "flow".


Of course, Easy mode is still available, and I'm still waiting on feedback for the ideal enemy speed!

(Answers are in the range [-100, 100], which is subject to change.)

User Interface

The original Mathematical Base Defenders (and Mathematical Base Defense) had a user interface where the buttons are extremely small. I've decided to fix it by making the buttons really big and have pictures, with colors!!!


The "playfield" for the Reversal update is now vertical and has "definite" borders, which is now easier for people to see which is which (during Multiplayer). I also got inspiration of the new UI from (e.g.) TETR.IO and Jstris, which are stacker games I've played in the past which I like the gameplay and also the UI of (and think that it's easy to implement for my project.)

Also, I've also made it so that the score number has "dumb animations" like this (it can be turned off if you don't like it, of course):


Note that UI is subject to change.

(Planned) Release Date

I plan on finishing and releasing the Reversal Update before my birthday (March 9), which is a difficult thing to do, but since finals are over for me, it might be a little bit easier. Note that I will probably miss the deadline due to my incompotency and laziness.

I haven't been doing much advertising on the game's social media accounts either too.

But thank you for reading, and have a great day, and see you in the game (when it gets released!)

Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal Update Announcement

#Update #Mathematical Base Defenders

IMPORTANT: Mechanics in this page may NOT be final.

After over a year, I have finally come to the realization that how Mathematical Base Defenders is played (<0.3.0-beta) is pretty... complicated. So, that is why, I have decided to plan an update after a 10-1 vote (among my friends as of 2023-01-20 15:00 UTC) saying that I should create a new "gameplay flow" from scratch. That is, Mathematical Base Defenders will have an entirely new gameplay mechanic, possibly replacing the old one.

The New Gameplay: Differences

Instead of trying to be different and "cool" by making this math game make you form problems instead of solving expressions/equations, it will just be solving expressions and equations, just like every other math game.

Other notable gameplay changes include:

  • Enemies move vertically instead of horizontally.
  • Tiles will be removed. Instead, players are free to put in any valid input they want.
  • There will (probably) now may be only one correct answer per enemy, because it wants you to solve an equation, not make you create an equation that satisifes certain criteria.

The New Gameplay: Similarities

You will still be "defending your base from enemies", hence the name.

Other notable gameplay similarites include:

  • Bonuses for "stunts", such as comboing, killing multiple enemies at once.
  • In multiplayer modes, enemies will still be "sent" for doing "stunts".
  • It is still based off of speed.

What will happen?

When the Reversal Update is released, these things MAY happen:

  • Leaderboards are reset. (Note: I still haven't decided whether to archive the old leaderboards.)
  • Levels are reset.
  • Win rate is reset.

Other non-gameplay-related statistics, such as rank and join date, will be kept.

When will it be released?

Probably around 2023-02 to 2023-03. These new features take time to design and work out.

However, if you're impatient (like me), you can check the reversal branch on the repository

Why do this?

There are many reasons that led me to this decision. The main reason is that the game is inaccessible and too hard to play, as pointed out by some of the playerbase. Another reason is that the source code is extremely poorly written, because that's what happens 1 year ago. Files containing 1000 lines, functions being 300 lines and doing multiple things make me look stupid, just like technical debt.

I want to "refresh" the game, while adopting more best security and privacy practices along with it as well. I also have plans to rewrite the game content to be in TypeScript, as well as making it easier to selfhost if you want to.

I believe this would also make the game more easy to play, therefore attracting more players, as I want this game to be one of those "easy to learn, hard to master" games or something like that. I also want this game to be "accessible" (where you don't have to learn any complicated rules) and non-grindy.


Can I still play Mathematical Base Defenders during the development process?

Yes. It will only go down when an update comes.

Will it still be open-source?

Probably yes.

What if I want to join the development/moderation team?

I am currently not accepting applications for the moderation team. However, contributions to the repository are welcome. If you do happen to contribute, you may be considered for a position on the team. You can also donate.

When the update comes, how long will the server be down for?

Probably around an hour. (but obviously more because im stupid an incompetent)

It's 2023, I'm still here, and what's next?

#Update #Personal #Mathematical Base Defenders

Happy New Year to Everyone! (I'm 21.5 hours late in my timezone, UTC+7). But I'm pretty sure at least some of you are still here waiting for me. So what happened? What's next for me? Where do I see myself 5 years from now? Here are the answers (not to some of these rhetorical questions)

Mathematical Base Defenders

I'll confess right now. I started to lose interest on developing Mathematical Base Defenders. I have finally come to realize that the game may not have the easiest controls or the best gameplay or enemy generation. However, I might come back to developing it, if some of you can give me some ideas by messaging me.

I feel like the game is already "complete" and that it needed only bug fixes and minor improvements. Singleplayer is done, multiplayer is done, and settings is done.

But if you want to see the game thrive on, feel free to contribute to the one of the repositories! Even though I may have lost interest, but having someone being interested in the project really motivates me into continuing (I will also take a look at your pull request)!

The game was originally created for a "software contest" (more precisely: NSTDA's National Software Contest). The initial, first, prototype version was developed in 2020, when said iteration of the competition took place. I used Java for the language, but I found out that it might not be the best for me now. So I switched to JavaScript with an incomplete TypeScript migration. After the competition and having receiving THB12,000 in funding, I wanted it to be able to be used commerically. But obviously due to my incompotency, it failed. However, I won't be giving up on the project.

Possible New Game

Speaking of NSTDA's National Software Contest, I (and one of my friends) have submitted another proposal to NSTDA for this year (2023)'s National Software Contest! The results on whether it will be accepted will come out on 2023-01-20 during the day. If it gets accepted, the development on that "new game" will start! But if it doesn't, well... I'm not sure what to do.

2023-01-20 Update: It wasn't accepted.

The game will be similar to Mathematical Base Defenders, but much easier to play and to survive longer. This game would also be a more "simple" game than Mathematical Base Defenders, containing less math, less RNG, and more speed and skill!

This Website

Of course, for my personal website, there will still be updates! I may or may not open-source it in the future (I can't really recall whether I committed sensitive information in). I will also be updating the Prayut Counter if there are news about Prayut once again, you know, just to make things more i n t e r e s t i n g .

So what happened? What's next for me? Where do I see myself 5 years from now?

Remember when I said I wont be answering some of the questions in the first line? Well, I lied, and these are just rhetorical questions (I don't know if they really are). But if you want to see updates on my life, check out my social media account (not just my GitHub account) where I have a 5% of posting something every 2 weeks!

That's it for this blog post. Thank you for reading this and have a great year!

Mathematical Base Defenders 2022-10-14 Progress Report

#Mathematical Base Defenders #Update #Progress Report

Welcome to a series of blog posts where I might (will) forget to make a new post about this series every week.

This is about progress reports for Mathematical Base Defenders.

So let's get right in to what I did.

Don't forget: Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source, so you can always see what changes I've made after this blog post.

The first progress report will be about better frontend and data presentation. Other progress reports may be of mixed content.

Let's dive in!

Transformations of "Player Instances"

I've spent the last couple of days allowing for "player instances" (i.e., the gamefield) to move and scale.



These are created for better multiplayer game experiences, so you don't have to stare at a small gamefield on 2 player games.

Note: This may not be implemented in the direct next update. At the moment, these transformations are only used for debug/development purposes, but if you want to see it faster, make sure to contribute!

Better User Interface

These are just some touch-ups to the user interface.

These include (but aren't limited to):

  • Icons on buttons
  • "Intermission" screens
  • Better CSS on buttons

...and I've also made other small changes, including fixing some bugs (and creating new ones), attempting to better code quality, and attempting to get more players.

Finally, I'd like to end on a note that I fill the game is too hard for players. I realized that just because I can play it doesn't mean you guys can play it. I'm sorry. But you can help by finding the right enemy speed. Feel free to suggest the right enemy speed (or new mechanics that make the game easier) in the game's Discord Server! You can also directly add a feature by contributing!

There isn't much to say in this blog post, but thank you for your time, and see you in the game!

Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source! (since 2022-09-23)

#Mathematical Base Defenders #Update

Have fun contributing (if you want to), hosting it on your server and shaming me for my horrible code (i deserve it)!


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Blog posts are under the CC BY 4.0 license unless stated otherwise.