's blog

Mathematical Base Defenders 2022-10-14 Progress Report

Welcome to a series of blog posts where I might (will) forget to make a new post about this series every week.

This is about progress reports for Mathematical Base Defenders.

So let's get right in to what I did.

Don't forget: Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source, so you can always see what changes I've made after this blog post.

The first progress report will be about better frontend and data presentation. Other progress reports may be of mixed content.

Let's dive in!

Transformations of "Player Instances"

I've spent the last couple of days allowing for "player instances" (i.e., the gamefield) to move and scale.

Opponent Game Instances bouncing

Player gamefield moving crazily

These are created for better multiplayer game experiences, so you don't have to stare at a small gamefield on 2 player games.

Note: This may not be implemented in the direct next update. At the moment, these transformations are only used for debug/development purposes, but if you want to see it faster, make sure to contribute!

Better User Interface

These are just some touch-ups to the user interface.

These include (but aren't limited to):

  • Icons on buttons
  • "Intermission" screens
  • Better CSS on buttons

...and I've also made other small changes, including fixing some bugs (and creating new ones), attempting to better code quality, and attempting to get more players.

Finally, I'd like to end on a note that I fill the game is too hard for players. I realized that just because I can play it doesn't mean you guys can play it. I'm sorry. But you can help by finding the right enemy speed. Feel free to suggest the right enemy speed (or new mechanics that make the game easier) in the game's Discord Server! You can also directly add a feature by contributing!

There isn't much to say in this blog post, but thank you for your time, and see you in the game!