's blog

Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal Update Introduction Post

It's finally here! 16 days ago, I released the first test-build for Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal. Now, the website portion is complete (I didn't test it throughly), and I am ready to "confidently" say that Mathematical Base Defenders: Reversal is finally in public testing!

What's changed?

On 2023-01-20, I finally realized that the game isn't that playable due to there being tiles, or limited resources [1]. I tried playing it, and it has caused problems even to me (the creator). I finally realized I did something wrong, and I wanted to redeem myself.

So instead of making math equations, you now solve them! This means there will be no more tiles. Instead, you are free to type anything you want!

Having limited resources when you want/should have/need unlimited could also be breaking the flow, making the game unenjoyable. There will be no more resources, instead, you just have to solve math equations as fast as possible! This is easier to get in the flow on.

What else?

  • I've rewritten the code in TypeScript, hopefully improving system stability.
  • Better support for touchscreen devices. No more squinting to click that 20-pixel wide tile! Instead, there's an on-screen "keyboard" for you to type your answers in. I've also made it so you can quit a game on a mobile device without a keyboard.

For the 20 registered players (as of writing this), don't worry, your experience points (and level), game rank, and join date will not be reset. However, your scores will be reset sometime later, making the leaderboard clean and 100% filled with new-style submissions.

Where can I see updates?

Since Mathematical Base Defenders is now open source, you can visit the GitHub organization to view "raw" source-code upates! You can also find the game's social media accounts at the footer of the non-play subdomain.


I would like to thank the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand for hosting the annual National Software Contest! Without it, Mathematical Base Defenders probably wouldn't have been thought of back in 2020. Thank you for funding making Mathematical Base Defense (and then Mathematical Base Defenders) exist, and funding it with 5 figures (THB12,000 to be exact)!

While on the topic of National Software Contest, I would also like to thank KG07, Muq1937 and my project advisor for helping me with Mathematical Base Defense during the competition! (The original version of Mathematical Base Defense was made for NSTDA's National Software Contest, the persons listed here were in OG Mathematical Base Defense's development.)

Thank you for reading, have a nice day, and I'll see you in the game!

Note: Multiplayer will be released later.

And while you're here...

I kinda need help for something. I can't seem to find the perfect enemy speed. Can you help me? I might give you a reward.